Monday, January 21, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
All Belize Photos
Click on this link to view the entire gallery of Belize photos.
Posted by
11:38 PM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
A few final posts to come...
Check back in over the next few days for final posts, pictures and possibly a video.
Posted by
12:39 AM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Headed home tomorrow
Today was mostly a day to relax and pack for our return home tomorrow. Here's a summary of the work that took place in our few days here.
61 people from Horizon Community Church and River Hills Christian Church traveled and served in some capacity
2 new homes built for 2 families
1 church re-roofed and painted
200+ homes screened and/or repaired
63 surgeries performed
200+ dermatology patients treated
700+ patients seen and/or treated in 4 villages
Thanks to all of you who kept up with us on this blog and for all of your prayers and notes! This trip has been an incredible experience. The people of Belize, especially those living in extreme poverty, are very kind and loving. There is so much need here as you have likely seen in the stories and pictures we've shared. When we pool our resources and work together, amazing things can happen for so much good.
If you are interested in learning about opportunities to participate next year, please email John Kirby at
Posted by
10:25 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Our accommodations
Posted by
11:29 PM
Home life in small villages

Posted by
6:15 PM
Dermatology Clinic sees 37 in San Pedro
Dr. Wayne and Mary Louise traveled to San Pedro on Monday morning by plane for a 2-day dermatology clinic. The poor that work in local hotels and restaurants and live in hidden shanty villages on the island have little or no access to dermatology. To reach a dermatologist, they would have to take a 2-hour boat trip to Belize City, pay for a dermatologist visit which most cannot afford, and probably not be able to travel back home in the same day.
Posted by
2:05 PM
Seen and unseen

Posted by
8:37 AM
Patients recovering quickly
Posted by
8:20 AM
Four children in Chunox swabbed for genetic testing

Posted by
7:59 AM
Tuesday morning...
It's Tuesday morning. Teams are preparing to leave for the day. The construction team will continue working in San Victor. The surgical team will return to Orange Walk. Today, the village clinic medical team and the screening team will go to a small village named Copper Bank.
Posted by
6:53 AM
Monday, January 14, 2008
Over 200 visit village clinic in Progresso
Monday was another very successful day. It was long. The village clinic medical team traveled to a small, remote village named Progresso (crossing another river using the hand-cranked ferry). We setup a medical clinic in a small Catholic church building. Over 200 villagers met with nurses and doctors. Most had their vitals checked and were provided vitamins and worm medication. Many were given prescription medication for various needs. We've found a number of people with very high glucose levels (some with readings near 400), an indication of diabetes.
The construction team continued working on the two houses being built in the small village named San Victor. One of the local villagers is a young man name Ishmael. Ishmael is about 28 and has cerebral palsy. He has no family and lives with a few families in the area. To earn enough money to live, he uses a 3-wheel bike to make various deliveries throughout the village. His bike is very old and worn. In past years, some of our team members (including Michael Bell and Jim Pustinger) have fixed various parts of his bike so he can continue to work. This year the team kept telling him that they would work on his bike. However, up until yesterday they hadn't done anything with it. The team kept telling Ishmael they were "working on it." Then yesterday, they took his bike, rode it around the block and switched it. When they came back in the next few minutes, Ishmael was completely surprised to see a BRAND NEW bike!
Posted by
10:40 PM
Monday morning
It's about 7:15am. We're just about to head out for the day.
The surgery team finally arrived last night around 10:30pm. They completed 17 procedures including a few lipoma's, a thyroid cyst and many tonsillectomies (most on children or babies). Our team is becoming very close with the local Belizean team.
The village clinic medical team and the screen team are headed to a small, remote village named Progresso. When I asked Jenni P where it is, she said "it's just far. Hit the road and keep on going."
The construction team is headed back to San Victor to begin work on the second home for a local family of 3. The father was in an accident a few years ago and lost his arm. Since then, he has lost his job working in the cane fields.
Posted by
7:16 AM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Remote Village Poses Interesting Logistics

In between the two ferries, one of the vans broke down! So we had to rig a tow cable from the other van so we could all make it to

In the village, we setup a medical clinic in a small building and saw 165 patients. One needed surgery on his face so we drove him to the hospital (about 1 hour away) where the surgical team met with him.
It is now 10pm in Belize. We've finished dinner and have shared events of the day. The surgical team has not yet returned. They should arrive any minute after a very long day. Look for another update shortly with details about their day.
Posted by
9:32 PM
Village Clinic team update
All teams were back in action today. First, here's more detail from the Village Clinic work yesterday. Saturday, the team worked in a village called Louisville. This small village is just west of the main road running north and south through Belize.
They saw 175 patients throughout the day, mostly women and children. The clinic was setup in a concrete school building which has 3 rooms approximately 20ft by 20ft each. Generally, they have a 3 step process. First, a patient signs in and has vitals checked (pulse, blood pressure, temperature and glucose). The nurses provide vitamins and discuss any relevant medical history. Next, if necessary, they visit a doctor. The doctor will check any specific conditions and write any needed prescriptions. Finally, the patient will step into a 3rd room and have the pharmacist fill the prescription if the medicines are available.
Check back late tonight for an update on today's village clinic in Chunox. You DON'T want to miss this one!
Posted by
5:14 PM
Dermatology Clinic sees 42 patients
The dermatology clinic team saw 42 patients yesterday. They worked from the hospital in Orange Walk. Here's a few of the people they helped to diagnose and treat.
-- a 30 year-old man with a rare deep fungal infection covering his hands
-- a 14 year-old boy from Belize City who had been sick for 4 weeks was brought in by his grandmother. He body was covered in sores. Dr. Baumann believes the boy has bullouspemphigoid (you might need to look that one up), a type of skin disease. Biopsies will be conducted.
-- a young brother and sister with icthyosis, a skin condition
Most of these people have very limited or no access to healthcare. Therefore, many have had these skin conditions or diseases for years.
Posted by
7:17 AM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Construction and surgeries began today

and after...

Another little 1 year-old Mennonite girl was in need of cleft palate repair. The Belizean government had wanted to take the girl from her parents to ensure she could be raised and fed properly. Her repair surgery was completed yesterday and her parents will now more easily be able to feed and take care of her.
Posted by
5:58 PM
We'd like to hear from you! Yes, you!
Please share any thoughts, questions or notes with the team. All you have to do is click the area below any blog post where it says "0 Comments". Then type your note and follow the instructions on the right side of the page. You don't need to register for anything. Just use the "anonymous" button.
If you'd like to know more about a particular part of our work or a specific person on the trip, all you have to do is ask.
Posted by
5:15 PM
Quick update from the surgical team
It's 6:50am here Saturday morning. We're heading out now for all sites--surgical team to the hospital in Orange Walk; construction teams to 2 villages; and village medical clinic to various sites.
Here's a quick update from the surgical team. Yesterday they met with 127 patients. All were screened and some treated. 42 surgeries are already scheduled for the next four days. There will likely be more. Those being operated on include a patient with facial cancer. Many with tonsillitis. Many in need of cleft palate and cleft lip repair. And a few hernias.
Look for another post around lunch time.
Posted by
6:50 AM
Friday, January 11, 2008
For all the kids
Posted by
9:13 PM
Additional team members arrive
About 30 additional team members on the American Airlines and Continental Airlines flights are here in Corozal. Fortunately, the 9 missing bags from Thursday's flight arrived as well. We're now getting ready to eat dinner. Look for a more detailed posting tonight of today's activities from the hospital.
Posted by
6:42 PM
Surgery team begins their work
Posted by
12:43 PM
Good morning!
Friday morning. We woke at 6am for breakfast (Belize is on U.S. Central Time). Right now, teams are loading 4 vans to travel to sites. The hospital is in Orange Walk Town, about 40 miles south from Corozal. Construction team members will travel to San Victor which is about 25 miles south-southwest from Corozal.
Today is mostly about preparations--picking up the remaining 30 members of the team at the airport; getting constructions materials sorted; organizing surgical and medical equipment.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Posted by
7:15 AM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Second advance team arrived today
Another 16 of our 61 person team arrived safely in Belize this afternoon, most from Cincinnati. Our plane landed in Belize City which is on the coast of Belize. Unfortunately, some of our luggage, including medical and construction supplies, didn't make the flight! The airline has assured us it will arrive tomorrow.
After clearing customs, we began the 2 hour drive in passenger vans to Corozal Town where we'll be staying. The drive is very interesting. The main road which leads to Corozal is a narrow, two-lane, paved road without any markings or lines. While the posted speed limit is 55, you have to watch closely for pot holes and speed bumps. The houses speckled along the way are mostly simple, concrete homes with tin roofs, many in need of repair. The landscape is quite green with unique trees and various shrubs including sugar cane, one of the area's main crops. From time to time, children were playing along the road or riding bikes.
As the sun went down, we made a stop in Orange Walk Town (about 70 miles north of Belize City) to tour the hospital where our surgical team will be operating. Orange Walk is one of the larger towns in the area. Keep in mind the total population of Belize is only around 270,000. The hospital is a simple one story structure mostly built from concrete. Certainly nothing elaborate relative to what we are accustomed to, however, it's sufficient for the job.
Soon after arriving at the inn in Corozal, we met for dinner outside under a thatched roof hut just off the ocean. Even though we've just arrived, one thing is very clear to me -- most of us probably don't realize how convenient and comfortable our life is in the U.S.A. I now have a whole new appreciation for these conveniences.
Posted by
9:00 PM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
First advance team arrives in Belize
Our first advance team arrived today in Belize! They'll ensure many logistical plans are set and they will visit work sites including the hospital surgical facilities and the area where our village medical tent will be setup.
The second advance team is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. The final team will arrive Friday.
Posted by
10:41 PM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
A day of packing
Only a few days before we arrive! Today the team worked for hours sorting medical and construction supplies and packing them in nearly 50 suitcases. Vitamins, medications, surgical equipment, tubing, syringes, gloves and much more. For construction--saws, staples, drills, caulk, hammers and nails.
Posted by
4:25 PM